What is the problem with waste?

Poor waste management contributes to climate change, air pollution and directly affects many ecosystems and species. Landfills, considered the last resort in the waste hierarchy, release methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas linked to climate change.

Some waste will never biodegrade while others damage the planet. So if growers look for ways to repurpose where possible, this decreases the amount sent to landfills creating a circular economy and a more sustainable future.

Repurpose orchard waste into compost

Compost is a known source of nutrients for soils and is a great way to increase yield for commercial growers.

Making compost in bulk requires a lot of time, machinery and expertise to ensure all elements such as nitrogen content, pH levels and carbon content are correct. So while this option may not provide enough compost to service your whole orchard, it is a great way to sustainably repurpose your waste while also providing your plants and soil with the necessary organic matter to thrive.

In order to create compost from waste, it is recommended you blend it with sawdust or green waste compost. Doing so will dilute the waste to reduce the smell from decomposition and balance out the nitrogen and carbon levels.

There is a process to repurpose orchard waste into compost which involves decomposition and requires the pile to be turned multiple times. This allows the compost pile to rise in temperature and create a consistent compost which means the centre won't overcook.

If you would like to repurpose orchard waste into compost, we advise getting in touch with our team to discuss the chemical levels you’re looking for and your blending options. 

Need help with your wood waste?

Thanks to Azwood's comprehensive fleet of specialty trucks and machinery, we are uniquely positioned to offer a range of solutions including grinding and tree removal services.

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Making compost in bulk 

Making compost in bulk involves an intensive process of blending, turning, heating, and cooking to break down the raw materials to be utilised as a great resource for your soil.

Compost needs the perfect combination of nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen to create the microbe activity necessary to make compost. To get these to work as they should, the materials need to be combined, turned, and heated to a certain temperature to cook the raw materials for the desired outcome.

Azwood offers a green waste dumping service in which we grind down, blend with wood residues and repurpose into a green waste compost. This compost is Biogro certified and used widely in Nelson Tasman and Marlborough for horticulturists looking to improve their soil health. This process creates a circular economy in which other's waste is repurposed and NZ growers can benefit from a soil conditioner that increases soil and plant health.

**Unfortunately we do not offer a dumping service for food waste. However, if you are interested in repurposing your waste and need advise and blending options, please reach out.

The benefits of applying compost to your soil

Compost naturally supplies a significant amount of nutrient value to your soil and crops. Bear in mind that you will not always see immediate results as compost does not release its nutrients all at once. It takes time to work its way into the soil and release.

You’ll get significant value and nutrients over a longer period of time rather than using a soluble fertiliser which is more instant but does not benefit your soil or crop long term. Applying compost to your orchard is a long-term investment to add nutrients back into your soil that were taken away through years of harvesting.

Here is everything you need to know if you are thinking of applying compost to your orchard.

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